Please, join us on Saturdays from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm for an open, drop in crafting circle at our facility. We will have tables and chairs set up and the ability to host whatever projects you are working on. We ask that you bring with you whatever supplies you may need as ours may be limited at the center. We will have a program facilitator on site to assist who has knowledge in, but is not limited to: speaking Cree and Michif (basics and greeting, and colors), jigging, sash dances, and group dances, Buffalo teachings, singing sticks, medicine bags and stories, doll making and teachings, dot painting, Christmas mittens, moss bag making and teachings, fish scale art, tufting with elk, moose and caribou, birch bark basket making and beading.
On site we will have some fabrics, paper supplies and goods, acrylic paints, crafters clay, limited beading supplies, and two sewing machines available for use. These are not to be substituted for bringing your own as we have generously been gifted these as donations but to be used in tandem with your own supplies.
We are offering this space for people to come and learn in a way of community, as it would have been taught traditionally. It will be the opportunity to get out of the house and hopefully meet new people and form new connections with people you may not have the opportunity to meet otherwise. This program is open to ALL makers, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous alike.
February 10th and February 24th
March 9th and March 23rd
April 6th and April 20th
May 4th and May 18th
June 1st and June 15th
July 13th and 27th
August 10th and August 24th
September 14th and September 28th
October 12th and October 26th
November 9th and November 23rd
December 7th and December 14th